Psalms 71

In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.
Tebi si, Jahve, utječem, ne daj da se ikada postidim!
Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
U pravdi me svojoj spasi i izbavi, prikloni uho k meni i spasi me!
Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.
Budi mi hrid utočišta i čvrsta utvrda spasenja: jer ti si stijena i utvrda moja.
Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.
Bože moj, istrgni me iz ruke zlotvora, iz šake silnika i tlačitelja:
For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.
jer ti si, o Gospode, ufanje moje, Jahve, uzdanje od moje mladosti!
By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.
Na te se oslanjam od utrobe; ti si mi zaštitnik od majčina krila: u te se svagda uzdam.
I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge.
Mnogima postadoh čudo, jer ti si mi bio silna pomoć.
Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.
Usta mi bijahu puna tvoje hvale, slaviše te svaki dan!
Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.
Ne zabaci me u starosti: kad mi malakšu sile, ne zapusti me!
For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together,
Jer govore o meni moji dušmani, i koji me vrebaju složno se svjetuju:
Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him.
"Bog ga je napustio; progonite ga i uhvatite jer nema tko da ga spasi!"
O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.
O Bože, ne stoj daleko od mene, Bože moj, pohitaj mi u pomoć!
Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt.
Neka se postide i propadnu koji traže moj život; nek' se sramotom i stidom pokriju koji mi žele nesreću!
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.
A ja ću se uvijek uzdati, iz dana u dan hvaleć' te sve više.
My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.
Ustima ću naviještati pravednost tvoju, povazdan pomoć tvoju: jer im ne znam broja.
I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.
Kazivat ću silu Jahvinu, Gospode, slavit ću samo tvoju pravednost.
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.
Bože, ti mi bijaše učitelj od mladosti moje, i sve do sada naviještam čudesa tvoja.
Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.
Ni u starosti, kad posijedim, Bože, ne zapusti me, da kazujem mišicu tvoju naraštaju novom i svima budućima silu tvoju,
Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!
i pravednost tvoju, Bože, koja seže do neba, kojom učini velika djela. Bože, tko je kao ti!
Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.
Trpljenja mnoga i velika bacio si na me: ali ti ćeš me opet oživiti i opet me podići iz dubine zemlje.
Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.
Povećaj dostojanstvo moje i opet me utješi:
I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.
A ja ću uz harfu slaviti tvoju vjernost, o Bože, svirat ću ti u citaru, Sveče Izraelov!
My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.
Moje će usne klicati pjevajuć' tebi i moja duša koju si spasio.
My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.
I moj će jezik svagda slaviti pravdu tvoju, jer su postiđeni i posramljeni oni što traže moju nesreću.