And I thought to advertise thee, saying, Buy it before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people. If thou wilt redeem it, redeem it: but if thou wilt not redeem it, then tell me, that I may know: for there is none to redeem it beside thee; and I am after thee. And he said, I will redeem it.
Zato sam odlučio da se s tobom razgovorim i predložim ti: otkupi njivu pred ovima koji sjede ovdje i pred starješinama moga naroda. Ako je kaniš otkupiti, onda otkupi; ako ne kaniš, kaži mi da znam. Jer prije tebe nema nitko pravo na otkup; ja sam na redu tek iza tebe." A onaj reče: "Hoću, otkupit ću je."